
Tell Pete... Yeah

Ode to love and loss

Letter to you Pete

Yeah mate, yeah

I know what you meant

When you said “tell Andy... yeah”

Sometimes words aren’t enough I know

When they can’t describe the feeling or the memory of a whole person, or a moment

We were young and crazy and hedonistic,
You held me to account, even when we were smashed you were sharp mate, and boy could we laugh, and shared I think a crazy passion for life, naughtiness, girls, deep powder, going fast straight downhill

I could never have said brother or known then what it means to me now

But now I know what that feeling is

So brother, these days, it’s a bittersweet melancholy that descends on me sometimes
sometimes with a smile
Remembering your smiling face saying yeah mate yeah, that big grin

I hope you’re doing well
I hope somewhere inside there the Pete I knew is still with you, life has a way of pushing us down sometimes
But hey that’s where the gold is
We saw each other’s
Our own is hardest to find
Catch you in the lift queue

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