
Bring Me Back

Bring me back to before the spring
When everything was bliss
When it didn’t matter of it snowed
Bring me back to that other time
When things were finally different
When my life was changed
Bring Me back to that one afternoon
When you kissed me for the first time
When you didn’t want to let me go
Bring me back to that one night
When you held me close in the dark theater
When you whispered I love you into my ear
Bring me back to the night of the same
When you left me standing there alone
When you let me dance alone
Bring me back to that silent time
When I avoided you in the halls
When I waited for you to say something
Bring me back to those nine months
When I tried to forget you
When I tried to move on from you
Bring me back to last week
When you said you were falling for me
When you said you loved me
Don’t bring me back to that
When you seem so distant
When I feel so lost


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