
Can you?

I try to tell you.
I try to warn you.
But the fear I feel for you,
And the hate in your eyes, I see, for me,
Overcomes all my trials.
I try to make you reason.
To make you see sense.
But my mistake,
I want to tell you everything.
Every detail of every thought,
That enters my mind.
But that’s not your way.
Your ways are right.
Mine are wrong.
What I do is wrong.
Even when I am right.
If you could just see.
What I see,
Maybe then you would understand.
Why my mistakes and choices,
Don’t match your own.
The world I live in is far different then yours.
Mine is dark,
Mine is cruel.
See the world for what it truely is.
The happy world that you had wished,
For me to be born into.
That isn’t the world that is.
See that,
And maybe you can understand.
Why I must do,
What I do.
You carried me.
For everything about me screams that is so.
Do you hate me so,
Because I am you.
Do you hate yourself.
Because of what you see in me.
That isn’t fair.
To hate me.
You are the way you are.
You gave that to me.
You must live with that.
You must cope with that.
My life,
My decisions,
My mistakes,
My lessons,
Father can understand that.
Can you?


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