
To be pretty

How lucky it is to be pretty
How lucky it is to have eyes
that melt men into puddles
lucky to have lashes that bat wiffle balls at the male teachers
how lucky to have teeth that trap perfection with in a smile
and lips a pale berry pink that drip with desire
how lucky it is to be wanted
how lucky to never be without company of the world
that loneliness shall never spread through the body
how lucky to cry like an angel
to never be caught
to not know turmoil of consequences
how lucky it is to never pay for a drink in the presence of man
lucky to know no one around you can rival in your beauty
to know that only you are the object of their desire
How lucky it is to hear them talking from every corner in the room
lucky to know though sticks and stones may break your bones
YOU have an uncrackable shield that words will never break through
how lucky it is to have legs that stretch on for miles
and a waistline  the shape of an apple core
how lucky to have the assets you do
How lucky to be placed on pedestals
like trophies, where we stand still
where signs scream “look at me”
how lucky to wear a mask made of the mixture of foundation and tears
with blush stained cheeks and contoured bone structures
how lucky to wear synthetic perfection to hide destruction
how lucky that shields never fall so that you’re never hit by the blow
so that the words that fall at your feet tren creep through your veins
until they cut open your skin to reclaim you as their victim
how lucky never be able to put down that drink or turn your head
how lucky to know what is expected in exchange for their kindness
to know no is not a word they can recall in their vocabulary
how lucky to have learned to use our bodies as swiss army knives
carefully placed sniffles and puppy dog pouts are sure to work
..but be careful who you smile at for a smile may seem to inviting
how lucky to stand in a spotlight where eyes beat down glaring heat
lucky to create your own high-wire balancing act
lucky to never know the spread of loneliness because it remains solely in your heart
how lucky have lips that carve words into daggers and spears
how lucky to have eyes that hide an earthquake underneath
how lucky to be the misconception of beauty
how lucky it is to be pretty


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