
Young Demise

A piece that describes the terror of one murdered and laid down where no one can find her.

Crisp autumn leaves
Mold under a decaying corpse
Droplets of rain
Descend from swollen clouds
Branches and twigs
Conceal the dead
Life is taken
From the young
Tears of terror
Fall from bloodshot eyes
Blades of grass
Bend against ashen skin
Lotus petals
Sway over an inert body
Life is taken
From the young
Hands entrapped
Within rope bindings
Mouth gagged over
By a work tie
Clothes torn to rags
Nothing is hidden
Life is taken
From the young
Gore drips freely
From open wounds
Life seeps away
From the body
Webs of lies
Tangle within themselves
Life is taken
From the young
Otras obras de Haven Degas...
