
The mask

Respectably we live our life’s behind our chosen masks
With well rehearsed responses to daily questions asked
We only offer the little bits in which we choose to give
And never do we fully expose the lives we chose to live
Whether this be down to pride, privacy or shame
As the understanding of honesty has now become a game
We pride ourselves on truthfulness upon a moralistic code
Yet personally for ones self this is often wrongly bestowed
Acting with pretence becomes a fluent way of being
Rose tinted glasses viewed by others is your wanted way of seeing
Opinions of negative randoms delivers the attention that we seek
And friendship is now confined to a virtually accepted speak
Only, friendships now are blurry and no longer fully fledged
The weight of consistent fakeness never openly acknowledged
The roles we play are chosen subconsciously years behind
And as we grow we learn to fit our masks we once designed
And this is what people will judge when they really look at each other
Not the truth,  the person inside only the  mask we chose to cover

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