

My hair is not long my skin is not clear my teeth are not straight
oh god and being fat. By far my biggest fear. This isn’t who I am.
This is someone I pretend to be Hollywood as done this to me.
To thin, to fat, to tall, to short, to dark, to white I’ll never fit in
if I don’t pretend to be the one everyone is pleased to see
Hollywood has done this to me pounds upon pounds of make up
too early in the morning I wake up just to apply a thick layer of lies.
It’s an allusion causing so much confusion countless tears I’ve cried
trying to fit into a size acceptable, easily seen as acceptable in
the eyes of so many..... Beauty. The word itself taste bitter coming
out of my mouth. Causing my ears to bleed my soul it feeds on the
life I urine for this beauty in which you speak it taunts me, haunts me
like last nights dream.  Hollywood has done this to me.


This main stream idea of beauty is disgusting

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