When people call this beast to min… They marvel more and more At such a little tail behind, So large a trunk before.
This diamond, Juliet, will adorn Ephemeral beauties yet unborn. While my strong verse, for ever ne… Shall still adorn immortal you.
The Vulture eats between his meal… And that’s the reason why He very, very, rarely feels As well as you and I. His eye is dull, his head is bald,
My jolly fat host with your face a… Come, open the door to us, let us… A score of stout fellows who think… If they toast till they’re hoarse,… Hoofed it amain
This is the place where Dorothea… I did not know the reason, nor did… But there she stood, and turned, a… A sudden glory had bewitched the c… The corn at harvest, and a single…
The Chief Defect of Henry King Was chewing little bits of String… At last he swallowed some which ti… Itself in ugly Knots inside. Physicians of the Utmost Fame
Here lies a Dog.- may every Dog t… Lie in security - as this Dog lie…
Torture will give a dozen pence or… To keep a drab from bawling at his… The public taste is quite a differ… Torture is positively paid to sing…
May all my enemies go to hell, Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel.
Do you remember an Inn, Miranda? Do you remember an Inn? And the tedding and the spreading Of the straw for a bedding,
Kings live in Palaces, and Pigs i… And youth in Expectation. Youth…
Here richly, with ridiculous displ… The Politician’s corpse was laid… While all of his acquaintance snee… I wept: for I had longed to see h… Another on the Same
Kings live in Palaces, and Pigs i… And youth in Expectation. Youth i…
Rhinoceros, your hide looks all un… You do not take my fancy in the le… You have a horn where other brutes… Rhinoceros, you are an ugly beast.
Heretics all, whoever you may be, In Tarbes or Nimes, or over the s… You never shall have good words fr… Caritas non conturbat me. But Catholic men that live upon w…