
On 'n On

It goes
On n’ on and on
From snake road to snakes in the grass it goes
On and on
From the comets to the crustaceans
It goes on and on
And on and on and on and on
And on top of the world
I’m on top of the world.
But it’s like being at the top of the bottom
Like the roof of the underworld
Like the tenants of Hades it goes on and on
Like copy and paste
Copied and pasted
Copy and paste...
Copied and pasted.
It goes on and on and on
What I mean is that its capacity is limitless and real like the red pill
But not for colds but for healing
Its wings block out the moon
So moonlight is like pharaohs punishment
For not letting the people go
on and on and on and on
I see it in my minds eye, it goes on and on
In every dream, or daydream or when I blink or pass out in trig class I see it.
It goes on and on, and on
Because it needs to if not for this plot device
Life would be a broken machine, trading moving cogs for stagnant cobwebs
They would lose hope to go
On and on after one loss.
Every slip up would feel like a humpty dumpty fall that would go on and on,
Down then gone, it would be over easy
Or maybe scrambled or runny,
The pleas we cop would be as corny as Kansas in August
Excuse the expressions I use
But without it we could not go on and on.
On and On I see it in the minds eye but from my perspective it seems finite.
I lack the knowledge of quantum physics or 15th dimensions to see that it is not
Finite but
In finite examples it flowed on and on,
After every mistake, after every ill never do it again.
After every moment of weakness or lapse in judgment or trying just to try it or every ounce of faith missing to resist it still went on and on and
On and on
And on this day there is still
More than enough to make up for my mistakes and my shortcomings
Even when I have life backwards and I eat death first
Before righteousness God still says grace.

Written on a subway ride home that felt like forever

#Dinner #Grace #Jesus #LoveMercy #Salvation

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