

You are my winter love
How I hate,
That morning breeze  Lazy me to lay in bed all morning,
How I love,
That fresh smell that make me sneak my nose out sniffing,
You convince me to stay out in the sun all day.
You cold and warm my body at the same time.
Im running yet Im slacking behind your hours.
I look behind and cover myself in
For there is a heavy wind blowing me off.
You are my early long night.
Who would have thought that
the sunny skies would quickly be heavy rain
the cool warm weather can turn to thunderstorm
My snow white in the valley,
I still fear to be flooded in
Im walking bare foot my body uncovered
so I am used to summer,
Always knowing what to expect,
So free without fear,
But my season have changed,
I’ve got autumn leaves falling in winter,
I’ve got lightning and flooded river of summer,
I’ve got all the combinations of seasons in winter time,
change is a war that put me to battle.
But I will never put to rest that
It’s winter that stays constant.


Its love and hate relationship between two people. this person never thought he would actually see himself in these shoes, loving someone inspite of her flaws. they fight and forgive each other. he cant imagine his life without her because most of the qualities he loves are in her even though she bring the wosrt ,its more of a heart matter than behaviour and circumstances. He is comparing the love he use to have with other people which brought happiness but was so plain and he knew what to expect.this one is different , he would rather be miserable with her than be happy with someone else but everytime he is with her he fears something because their love is brutally honest but sometimes hopeless.this love goes full circle ( undergoes all seasons ) ,all the emotins are there.It's more like an intense love that brings fear and the excitement. He finds it difficult because he cannot be sure of anything that might happen.he loves her that much to bare his soul at her .It's not perfect love but he knows that they will always have each other.

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