
The Brightest Display of Magic

To a loving Mother

Did you know?
There are moments where sunrise meets sunset to create the most golden of skies
Moments where all is beautiful.
As a man, I have experienced these moments,
When I talk and many listen,
When I play and many watch,
When I write and many read,
You can speak of my privilege and question the difficulty of my harnessing these moments;
There was a time my privilege lacked substance and wasn’t a factor;
a time of gray.
To talk, I listened to you
To play, I watched you
To write, I read with you
I had no idea at the time,  the magic show I was witnessing.
The impossible was yet to become reality.
Because I came to talk, and you were the first listen
I finally played, and you were the first to watch
and I wrote and you were the first to read.
Dear Mother,
How were you able to take a world of grey to create golden skies?

Happy birthday Mom


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