
when I am alone

when I am alone
I can hear echoes
They are all yours
when I am alone
Tired depress helpless
Oh! Stop I am stress
I can here your voice
when I am alone
I can hear echoes
I know I have to walk alone
When I am alone
Lough as much as I can
Oh! Stop  I am trying my best
I can here your voice
Lonely lonely it’s all about
I can here echoes
I know it hurts
When I am alone
Plz don’t get me wrong
Oh stop! I am not greedy
I can here your voice
When I am alone
I can hear echoes
I know I have to carry this life long
When I am alone
Oh stop!giving advice
I correct my mind every now and then
I cherish my every moment
In crowd I more alone
I can hear echoes
I  utter Leave me please
I am not alone
Oh!plz stop life half gone
I praise myself all alone
Still I can here your voice

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