
Love’s Eternal Bond

Death stole her soul as a whisper leaves one’s lips, while she slept in the sands beside the sea.
A letter lay within her hand, upon which she penned a poem of love to a man unworthy of such a noble cause.
One tear lay as though a drop of rain, as her eyes for eternity closed.
As raging and relentless as the stormy sea, a chill within his soul would cease his beating heart.
He gasped for air to pen such loving words as these, for his soul was knit by eternal love to the woman who lay by the sea.
By her side the angels knelt while the demons for his soul soon would come, but the angels above nor demons below, could fathom such unbreakable love.
No power existing that could dissever their tie, bonding souls in eternal love, so the demons lay him upon the sand, striking a deal with the angels above.
Forever together their souls un severed, slept they upon the sands by the sea.
Eternal love forever unbroken, ‘tis the love I have for thee.

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