
Why Can't You

Why can’t you see I’m the one to be?
Why is it all you want to do is to leave
Can’t you see how much I care for you?
Why do you always make me feel like as a fool?
My days turn dark I hate my smart remarks
I try to stay calm I just want you in my palm
But it can’t because I know you can do better
I want to write you a letter
But it don’t matter I already started this
And in the mist I can see you but I missed
My shot and I’m in shocked that you’ve always wanted me
I’m so mean that I’m barely starting to see it can’t be
So I can’t end it for me, I want you so bad it gets me so mad
But I can’t get you out of my head I’m making myself go sad
Then I’m glad for finally making the scene
But I think I’m letting myself go insane
I’m in pain and I don’t got much to gain
I’m so ashamed for letting this emotion
Get out of hand then again I did it to myself
I cannot tell if this is real or just a dream
I can’t believe this is all so real on how I feel
My heart is in the dirt I’m hurt, I’m lost
But what’s the cost for trying so show someone how much you care
But do I dare to say those forsaken words
No they’ll only make things worst
But it’s my curse I got to say these words
Never will I ever say them, until the day
I truly feel them, it’s just lust
But its feels more than just lust I must
Be going crazy I’m starting to feel hazy
I can’t start going lazy but everything is in a daze
But I’m so amazed how you can just lift me up
You start making my heart to pump
So at night when the lights are out
When I go to sleep my heart starts to weep
Only because I dream about you I even scream for you
But it’s only a dream like one day I’ll be giving you a ring
This always brings me to my knees
I don’t even think this whole thing rhymes
And people always tell me I’m just wasting my time
When it was all over in a dime this is my life
And for damn sure I ain’t wasting my time
Everything takes time especially if you truly care for them
And ahem my starting to lose my voice
I need something moist so I need to finish this
So if you can listen to these words put them close to your heart
So you can see that I’m the one to be and you will see I won’t bring you any harm?
I just want you in my arms
Otras obras de Jacob A. Calabaza...
