
Your Wedding Day

There’s nothing left to say,
except for the same old,
I fucked it up good.
I really miss you,
but you said this was for good.
that I can’t put you through this again.
I understand that and accept it.
I just hope I get to see you on your wedding day.
having sunflowers instead of roses.
a yellow dress instead of a white one.
I hope get to see all of your flower tattoos.
I sometimes still think about if it were our wedding day.
but that’s a dream,
and it’s time to wake I guess.
my alarms are going off,
it’s time to go to work.
it’s time to ignore everything and pretend it’s okay.
I check up on you because I still love you,
but I fucked it up.
maybe I’m just like the others?
maybe I’m like my dad.
maybe I’ll get to see you on your wedding day.
with someone who’s made your dreams come true.
someone who you’re really happy with.
I love you and I always will.

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