
Standing Proud to be an American

Did you see my Mom in the War?
She was a member of that brave military force
She was the one with her finger on the trigger
She was the one in the front seat of the chopper
She was the one in the camouflage wardrobe
With dust in her hair and sand in her teeth
Standing Proud to be an American.
Did you see my Mom in the War?
She was the one on that big old ship
Well trained and bent on doing her job 110 percent
Pushing a pulley or loading a missile
Following in the footprints of those before her
Blazing a trail for those who follow her
Standing Proud to be an American.
Did you see my Mom in the War?
When it is all over and won
She is the one with the soft touch in the pretty dress
Fragranced with the sweet smell of success
And when I hear that she is coming home
I am the one with all love in my heart
A smile on my face and kisses to share
Standing Proud to be an American

My son was on deployment when I was impressed by news coverage of a female chopper pilot in the war. Amazing! But it was my son who was on a ship, not a daughter. So, I combined my pride in him for his service to our country and how proud I imagined a child would be if it was his mom. Little did I know that I would gain a daughter-in-law (and have a grandson) 10 years later who had actually been on a ship blazing trails together.So Proud of both of them.
