

Every once in a while you meet new people that comes into your life, and before you know it takes a place in your heart... And after a while they get comfortable being part of you, and thats when they start taking pieces of you... Firstly they take  your way of thinking, then they take the little selfconfidance you had left making you feel unworthy of anyone's love. After that they will take more and more – they will take your smile and give you tears – crying yourself to sleep night after night, they'll take your hearts happy rhythm and make it feel weak, making your heart ache soo badly you feel asif you cant breath... They will take away your believe in magic and fairytales, they will make you think that true love is a lie. Not yet satisfied they would go after your faith in mankind, and they will crush it until there is just nothing left... Next is your dreams – they will take it and turn them into your deepest darkest fears. They will tear you up and rip you open so that you would better suit their needs... And then just when you think that they are finally done, they take little bits and pieces of your soul, until you stand alone and cold in the darkness wondering if you would ever be able to put yourself back together again... Because once again you were just not good enough...

Every once in a while you meet new people that comes into your life, and before you know it takes a place in your heart... And after a while they get comfortable being part of you, and thats when they start taking pieces of you... Firstly they take  your way of thinking, then they take the little selfconfidance you had left making you feel unworthy of anyone's love. After that they will take more and more – they will take your smile and give you tears – crying yourself to sleep night after night, they'll take your hearts happy rhythm and make it feel weak, making your heart ache soo badly you feel asif you cant breath... They will take away your believe in magic and fairytales, they will make you think that true love is a lie. Not yet satisfied they would go after your faith in mankind, and they will crush it until there is just nothing left... Next is your dreams – they will take it and turn them into your deepest darkest fears. They will tear you up and rip you open so that you would better suit their needs... And then just when you think that they are finally done, they take little bits and pieces of your soul, until you stand alone and cold in the darkness wondering if you would ever be able to put yourself back together again... Because once again you were just not good enough...
