
His Blessing.

There are bricks on your feet
You having to drag them around
The struggle to get thru one day
Having to remember it
Wanting to roll up and die
But God sees you
He wants the best for you
He gives you a blessing
One human being
One person
They change your life around
Bring such happiness to your life
You want them to enter you’re mind
Show them the deepest parts of your soul
You want them to see what goes on in your mind
Show them the hardest part and the most fragile part of you
Wanting them to enter your heart
Wanting them to wake up with you
You want them hold your hand
Just for them to tell you
“You are not alone”
As you look into there eyes
You see your soulmate
No other can compare
This feeling is new to you
You no longer see clouds
You no longer see darkness
You no longer carry bricks
You see the sun
You see light
You walk with hope
All because of one human being
You are in love
No not lust
But love
Love them unconditionally
But don’t forget to thank him
Thank God for bringing this blessing
The blessing that kept you sane
The blessing that made you forget all the hurt
The blessing that brought you happiness
