

It comes and goes
But lately I’ve been stuck in a comatose
Everything seems to zoom by some days slow as molasses
Colorless and tasteless
Nights sleepless
Heavy eyes, thoughts of hope
I cry, I’ve managed to cope.
Bitterness burrows into me
And when the four letter word is brought to attention
Hate slips from my tongue and I gag on every ounce of heartbreak, hurt, and disappointment thats been abiding in me.
Questioning my faith often
Its not like me.
Confusion is the least of it, but it won’t bring out the worse in me.
Progress and set backs, whats good and why isn’t it better?
Negativity; I am starting to dislike myself.
Its all a test and I know im failing.
My mind is like floating in quicksand, see it doesn’t even make sense.



Other works by Jasmine Ruiz...
