

To My Dreams, My loving family, and The gift of the words brought forth in life

Tears of a crimson color
Run down my deathly pale cheeks
My skin lay draped
In the corner of my cell
There it seems alive once more
For bugs are
And chewing on it
Rats nibble at my fingers
My arms are cut deep
The cold has numbed my pain
Though my bonds are broken
I am suppresed by fear
Where is the moon tonight
It was my only comfort
As it seeped through the cracks
I could feel
The warmth of peace
Could I have ever been
Somewhere better than this
Is this fit punishment
For being the little whitch
They claim I am
I think not
Each time
I dream of sun drenched fields
I’m crushed a little more
For I know
It simply may never be
I don’t remember
If I ever knew
What a day felt like
My memories
Are always that of night
I wonder how
Rays of sunshine
Would feel against my skin
My stomach growls
And shutters with hunger
But I have no bread
Nor the tiniest crumbs
Nothing is left
Save the dung of a rat
My throat is parched and dry
But no water is left to me
Not even a drop
So just as before
I take what the rats
Have left on the floor
Where is the wind tonight
I miss it’s sweet song
When it whistles beside me
I know that I am safe
Here I feel alone
But could another souls
Wait just ouside my keep
Or have my captors
Forgotten me
Just like all the rest
I need
To drift amongst the stars
To float through sparkling seas
To brush my fingers 'gainst the perfect blue skies
To breathe the scent of earths unmistakeable joy
I need to die
Whether it be while I slumber
Or while I wake
As long as death hits its mark
I will finally feel
Something more than

