
Life in color.

Life in color.
I love the colors of nature
Everything is wonderful for nature
God give us the colors for minds
Learn to love and share love.
We decompose it with one another, to make essential
But we never tell the difference and what’s vital
Imagination we guess it according culture we
Sometimes we ignore one other beliefs
That makes minds make love suffer
Discouraged, abandoned his smile
Because we do not even color, not even belief
So prejudiced not give it value it
We can even color but we do not even race.
But! if we want to say white because deny peaceful
If we say blue because we want as much sky
With beautiful sun rays that do excel
All glare color which we can admire
All that exists in nature.
Even at night we show shades stars
If we say glass because we want to share hope
I can tell red to show all gaiety
Even when they liken red, black, yellow
That does not mean that it brings sadness
We can guess shades give him all kinds
But we can never equal his mark
If we say pink, there ye may be described
All feelings and shades of love
I want to always remain a natural wonder
matter what type you, I want to still real.

Autres oeuvres par Jean G Catulle...
