

inspired by Seth R.

Life isn’t forever,
We are only here for a short time.
People come into our lives,
And they walk out.
But there are a few that stay,
They are the ones
That don’t judge our past.
They forgive our mistakes,
And love us through our flaws.
They remind us of the small things,
Of the moments
That take our breath away.
There’s more to life
Than just money and assets.
The one thing that makes life worth it,
Truly worth walking this earth,
Is love.
It overwhelms us so,
And makes us blind to pain and suffering.
It consumes us in a way,
That every part of our body thrives from it.
It can end in an instant
And cause us the worst pain,
Because the ones we love
Are the only ones that can hurt us.
But in the end,
It’s worth it.
All the good
Out weighs the bad.
And it truly makes
Life worth living.


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