
Sentinel Sinister

I love to write and express how I feel. It's a way of removing the emotion and putting it in front of me so I can see just what that emotion is and what it's doing to me. I love writing poetry and the occasion rap or lyrics for a song. I've gone through enough pain, hate, and sadness to last me awhile. I always welcome love and happiness tho. And if by going through pain I reach love and happiness in the end then it's worth it to me. I just keep on fighting.

I love to write and express how I feel. It's a way of removing the emotion and putting it in front of me so I can see just what that emotion is and what it's doing to me. I love writing poetry and the occasion rap or lyrics for a song. I've gone through enough pain, hate, and sadness to last me awhile. I always welcome love and happiness tho. And if by going through pain I reach love and happiness in the end then it's worth it to me. I just keep on fighting.
