
Ten to Hang

Watching the sun rise
over the curve of her neck
her body shimmers like the waves
speckled with droplets of sweat
She tenses scanning the horizon
how this turns out; too early to tell  
maybe later sitting on my long board
waiting for the afternoon swell
I can feel the walls of her ocean
surrounding me with their velvet grip
freeing senses and propelling me
to the precipice of my trip
It’s here on this turbulent perch
I ride at peace with this world
salty droplets of foam on my face
a gift from my little surfer girl
I love riding with her
especially hanging ten
because if I had ten to hang
it would for sure make her grin
Hell, thinking of hanging ten
even makes me grin
Regardless I’m happy shooting her curl
shredding across her lip
tucked tight into her tube
what an awesomely gnarly trip
Tonight a campfire and sweet red wine
the full moon shinning bright
where she’ll catch her own midnight set
riding her crest into my night


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