
In the end...

Your in my dreams,
Your the whole theme,
You are what keeps me going
from death to life,
You are what I think of day and night.
Until I fall asleep or get an object distracting me.

Even though I left the school, even though I have no clue, I do know when I trip or fall or take a stumble to the floor you are there to pick me up to walk once more.

When I dream of you, when I think of you, my heart stops to skip a beat no more to think of what we could have been before I was cut out of your scene.
In my mind I make up stories of you and me cause that is when we can be.

Why cant my  dreams be reality, id give up everything just to hold you tight in my arms as you hug me back, as we watch the sea.

There is another another thing I know, Im breaking in half, Im tearing apart Ive noticed quite some time before but today got to me more. In the end I still think of you, even though your out of my life I will always wish your at my sight.

Because I truly do care for you but who am I kidding it will never be, as I move on in between my dreams and reality. You’ll still be in my heart from the start, till the finish, Till the end, on the left side is some what stitched up knowing I could once call you my friend.

Watching over me in my dreams, knowing you think of me, because in the very end when earth takes its last stand, I will always think of you when the world is turning blue.

I’ll always say...
I’ll always be...
in love with you...

—JBT 30/10/10


This is about my first crush/love... I was broken because it was unrequited, still I got over it... Most of my old poems are about her but I never will regret it because it had then helped me through writing and expressing myself. (First poem I wrote and I was 14)

# # # # dreams end first heartbreak in love the

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