

I will walk just fine on my own two feet... but hey thanks for the suggestion. Did you assume my path was in question? I will fail to follow your direction.
Not to interrogate your morals but the load could not be too heavy... but that big head must be unsteady?
Slow your pace at this rate... you cannot determine my destine fate. Your words will simply motivate and come end you will be the last debate.
You see the kind of people who can make a mountain out of your burn,  should learn first to suffer the consequences of their own missed turn.
Look past a first impression, for you would want the same. We’ve all been loved more deeply by the truth behind our name.
Morals can’t be formed by ones who look no further than their door, the world is changing much too fast to only live by lore.
Look further than the physical traits to hold you to a stance, for they may be the only life to broaden the expanse.


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