
Just Maybe

Maybe people never really go above and beyond,
and maybe the fairy godmother never really had a wand.
Maybe hearts were meant to be broken,
and maybe words were supposed to be left unspoken.
Maybe we can trust no one while we’re still livin’,
and maybe that’s why chances should never be given.
Maybe everything is a regret,
and maybe we just don’t know that yet.
Maybe goodbye is the only hello,
and maybe it’s all we’ll ever know...
Maybe we’re supposed to cry,
because maybe eyes were never meant to be dry.
Maybe hate is the new love,
and maybe there’s nothing else above.
Maybe lies are the new truth,
because maybe honesty was never the best policy.
Maybe letting go is the new holding on,
and maybe falling down is the new getting up.
And maybe we’re supposed to give all of this up.
Because maybe nothing is real,
and maybe that’s all we’re ever supposed to feel.
