

The dice became unfriendly as I watched my slimming pile.
The seven’s coming up again, but doesn’t make me smile.
I’ve put most of my assets on the ‘Don’t Pass’ line, you see
But the shooter was a devil and his points were killing me.
He makes his numbers often, and I’m in such a fright
The guy’s so hot that he believes he’ll hold those dice all night
But I am not a pussycat, I know he soon must lose,
And so, I am persisting, and the ‘Don’t Pass’ line I choose.
I’m following the Martingale, a system meant to win
You just keep doubling bet-wise, even if your pile is thin.
Well, my stake is ebbing, but I stuck to the system
I bet the last chips that I had, and for good luck, I kissed ‘em.
         So punters all, take note of this, and you will be a winner
         Never, never double bets, it makes your pile much thinner.

Best if the reader is familiar with the complexities of craps and gambling "systems".

Autres oeuvres par Joseph Ress...
