

Theres a girl who always use to be depressed
Constantly wishing for her life to end
When you see her, all you can see was a smile on her face
What they didn’t know was that she hated herself more every day
She hated how her family made her feel
Un accepted and to her that was always a big deal
Living in a shadow of her sister for so many years
Made her feel like she just disappeared 
Constantly Being judge in school
How can kids be so cruel???
But then she realized that shes a fighter 
So shes not gonna let this stress get any higher 
She stood up to the world so they can see
Who she really is and  that little girl was me
I changed my look on life
I stopped keeping things on the inside
I started being super careful choosing who to trust
i know cause of that i got stuck in this stupid rut
I  realized that this world isn’t full of demons
Its just that everything happens for a reason
Dont ever say your a waste of space
Just be patient and wait for it to fall in place
But don’t just sit there waiting for the storm to pass
Enjoy your life and stop living in the past
 if you want something good to happen to you
Go out and fight, its your choice  if you want to
But i recommend to Fight to be happy and enjoy life
Cause u know God only give us a short time
To be here so live every second
Like time is almost up so don’t regret it!! 



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