I went to gather roses and twine t… For I would make a posy, a posy f… I got an hundred roses, the loveli… From the white rose vine and the p… rose tree.
Why is that wanton gossip Fame So dumb about this man’s affairs? Why do we titter at his name Who come to buy his curious wares? Here is a shop of wonderment.
There was a gentle hostler (And blessed be his name!) He opened up the stable The night Our Lady came. Our Lady and Saint Joseph,
Severe against the pleasant arc of… The great stone box is cruelly dis… The street becomes more dreary fro… And vagrant breezes touch its wall… Here sullen convicts in their chai…
(For Robert Cortez Holliday) If I should live in a forest And sleep underneath a tree, No grove of impudent saplings Would make a home for me.
1 "Romantic Ireland’s dead an… 2 It’s with O’Leary in the… 3 Then, Yeats, what gave that… 4 A hue so radiantly brave? 5 There was a rain of blood th…
The roar of the world is in my ear… Thank God for the roar of the wor… Thank God for the mighty tide of… Against me always hurled! Thank God for the bitter and ceas…
Serene he stands, with mist serene… And draws a cloak of trees about h… The thunder roars but cannot break… And from his rugged face the tempe… He does not heed the angry lightni…
(For Amelia Josephine Burr) The road is wide and the stars are… and the breath of the night is swe… And this is the time when wanderlu… But I’m glad to turn from the ope…
(For Aline) Monsignore, Right Reverend Bishop Valentinus… Sometime of Interamna, which is c… Now of the delightful Court of He…
(For Kenton) An iron hand has stilled the throa… That throbbed with loud and rhythm… And dammed the flood of silver not… That drenched the world in melody.
In a wood they call the Rouge Bou… There is a new-made grave to-day, Built by never a spade nor pick Yet covered with earth ten metres… There lie many fighting men,
1 When you had played with lif… 2 And made it drink and lust… 3 You flung it back into God’… 4 And thought you did a nobl… 5 “Lo, I have lived and loved…
The air is like a butterfly With frail blue wings. The happy earth looks at the sky And sings.
(For Aline) Because the road was steep and lon… And through a dark and lonely land… God set upon my lips a song And put a lantern in my hand.