
Baby, On this -

the thing is each one of us, is the sum total of the moment
that we ever experience, with all the people we've ever know

From Jersey to Tennessee To Charleston To Kitsap, To Sag Harbor
And it’s these moments that become our history.
Like our own personal of greatest hits of memories.
We play and replay in our minds, over and over again.
We - You and I ~ have been Gifted Each Other for
the next Sail..of our matter where it takes us..
You are my True North
Sometimes people get in you. lost in their own lives. There’s no map and they don’t know how to follow their own internal compass. They don’t know which way is true North.
Let me tell you this, too. Once you start figuring out your true North, where your peace and light is The compass is actually pointing, sometimes it’s really easy to listen.  It means that you keep going no matter what gets thrown at, which means that you don’t quit. Ever
I  will help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness, to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed, and to share the silence when they are not, and to live within the warmth of your he art, and always call it home.
I promise to agree to disagree on Seafood and Football.
I will fiercely love you in all your forms. I promise to never forget
That this is a once in a lifetime love..
I promise to LOVE you, and no matter what challenges or the 3014 miles
might carry us apart..We will always find our way back to each other...
Happy Valentine’s Day my Love


its pretty clear - our love wove us together side by side..


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