
ballots to fall

I’m sorry thats what I meant to say
And that it happened this way
I saw some things
For months in California
Then across the road
And Idaho
Early morning, too early
hugs in West Virginia
Twilight that should
Not have been
That made me have
My number to say
“Hey I’m worried about
Some tyrannical state stuff
That’s on the way.
Nothing to do with
You or I, but worried nonetheless
Call me if you get this.”
that is
What I meant to say:
So the post office’s evil twin
Mixed your mail
And on the best seller list
I’m sorry...
it’s not your fault
I love nonetheless
We can’t wait till Chicago
Because it’s not just you
But the rest.
I didnt’ say anything else
For a year. Aside
From in my home
Praying that you
Are blessed...
You are loved..
not just you
But the rest.
Ballots  to fall
votes to be called
Books stacked hall to hall
the ground moved
Beneath our feet
We are taller than the trees
Despite what they
Made it seem
There is nothing
In between
For you and yours
Please keep the steam
It will settle beneath
Our feet
I swear candles
And quiet
was the  dream

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