
Softly, slowly, searching.

Every night I cry myself to sleep. .
In my dreams, I pray for us to again, meet.
For you are the reason my he"art still beats.
I look in the mirror so confused. .
The outer world seems to be amused.
At winning, I always seem to lose.
My mind is there, but it is gone.
I wonder if it will come back or stay lost.
If so for how long?
My life reminds me of a sad slow song. .
I Hear voices scream “Your strong”.
I repeat softly but surely, “Im weak”.
It is strength that I seek. .
Insanity is my answer;
weeks passing weeks.
I look around for light.
Searching, seeking, begging for anything bright.
Still nothing in sight.
Is there actually a reason to fight?
I hear the same voice “Youre going to be alright”.
I live as if tonight should be my last.
Before my eyes my whole life passes in a flash.
I start to gasp for air; But then I stop the fight& realize that life has gone unfair.
Cause of death; Undeclared .


Other works by Kadizia Lanaya...
