
My last goodbye

Today the sky was extremely gray,
I could tell it was just one of those days.
I honestly dislike feeling this way.
There was no wind hardly,
Just a small breeze.
Watching the leaves slowly drift away,
Sorta put me at ease.
The air was so cold,
Like the hate in my heart.
I wish I had seen just one clue
To save me this pain, from the start.
No sounds could I hear,
Except, those last words’ I feared.
Constantly repeating in my ear,
Every time, becoming more clear.
As I sit so very quietly,
Looking around with true sorrow in my eyes;
I whisper under my breath so calming, each time I see a climps of light: “ dear lord please, let this goodbye be the very last time”.



Other works by Kadizia Lanaya...
