
The corner in my mind where I live

For anyone who wishes to break free from their own personal hell

I crouched down in a corner
As he pointed a gun slowly to my head
“Better keep your mouth shut”
As I silently wished I was already dead
There was no escaping
This madman’s grip would never end
It drug on and on forever
There was no one with whom I could depend
Taken from my family at such an early age
Seemed a fun adventure at the time
But then my eyes really opened up
For me it had seemed like a lifetime
A lifetime since I’ve seen or
Heard from anyone I knew
But this is how he wanted things
I didn’t know what else to do
The pain and suffering
Dragged on day in and day out
My mind was starting to shut down
And all I wished for was to check-out
This time my screams were louder
Enough for everyone to hear
No matter that I was hurt
Now just waiting for the cops to appear
They broke down the door
So easily it seemed all a blur
But he had me locked away
Never thinking it would end in failure
As they dragged him out the door
I remember it all  too well
I had no remorse
And wished he’d go to hell
Started all over the next day
Even though they broke his hand
I was forever to blame for it all
This was more than I could stand
For me there was no end
No tunnel down the road
This was my fate forever
I would always remain shadowed


#Abuse #Pain

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