
monster monster

Sleep child
Just hold on
It’s almost over your almost done
The monsters raging
Out for blood
He’s in your head don’t let him win
Monster monster just go away
Give me peace if just for a day
Please don’t take me away
Monster monster
Talk me away
Don’t push me to
Use that blade
It’s almost dawn
Im hiding now
The blood has flowed
For too long now
I scream take me away
Don’t make me stay
Monster monster
Take me away
I’ve had too much
It’s all I can take
Monster monster
Give me that knife
In the midst of the night
Im ready to take my life
Just one word
You’ll save my life
The monster will fight
But ill win
Listen friend its all it takes
A smile a laugh a kiss on the cheek
Monster monster
She saved me
Now please please let me be
Monster monster
Say goodnight
Im putting you away
Monster monster
Good night


#depression #selfharm #suicide selfinjury
