

Being a woman isn’t for the faint of heart
There’s so many rules
I had to learn from the start
Don’t wear clothes to revealing
Because to men
It looks tempting and deceiving
Never walk alone at night
You should probably get a gun
Stay fit, and in shape
You never know when you might need to run
Don’t wear too much make up
It looks better when you’re natural
But cover up all your flaws
Stay innocent and sweet
Don’t be a bitch or an asshole
you need to get a job
But you still need to be a mother
You don’t get to choose
you have to be one or the other
Lower your voice
Make sure you speak your mind
Stand up for what you believe in
But stay quiet and refined
You’re getting too skinny
You need to gain some weight
Make sure you go to the gym
Haven’t you already ate?
Be all of these things
And so much more
Don’t forget to be a virgin
But also a whore
Be yourself that’s all they ask
For you to be a women
You have to wear many hats.

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