

It’s hard not to feel this way with the state of the world,
And being so close to East Palestine, Ohio

Days like today, I am so tired
of having to face mortality,
having to face chaos
What is so wrong about longing for calmness,
silence– peace–
where I can only go outside,
feel the dirt beneath my feet
doze off to singing
paint, read, write
and want nothing more of my day?
But this world wasn’t made for peace–
for the calmness of the soul.
How is someone expected to find serenity
when our air chokes us?
our water infuses us with disease?
How am I suppose to allow my mind
to think about the gentle things in life
when greed is a starving wolf
circling, lusting after the meat of my flesh?
Isn’t it wrong that the peace I long for
seems only achievable in death?
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