
I will.

A stone that’s thrown
A shattered pane
A broken heart
A sunsets fade
Can be reversed.
As I lay here in this bed
Staring at your face
I wish to be held
To be told I was beautiful once more
But I know in my soul
We will never be the same.
Independence keeps me burning
But I find my heart yearning
Still for a love I’ll never have
with you.
I wish I could make you see
What you have right in front of you
Wanting you less and less everyday
The sunsets fading as my heart grows cold.
I can honestly say...
As cruel as it is...
If he comes back
I will go.
Because I chose you over him
And I made a mistake
I missed out on the love I once wanted
I still want.
I thought I could change you
That we would only get better
But here we are 8 years later
And I’m thinking of him
As I lay here lonely
You two inches from me
But our souls are miles away.
I’ve settled.
For less and you know that.
I know that.
Yet here I am.
Living my life.
You next to me but living your own.
As we cheat ourselves out of our destinies.
Greed leading our way.
But just know....
In all honesty....
If he comes back with his big blue eyes
And his loving arms
I will walk into them
And you will need to deal with yourself
And learn to love on your own
Because my loveless world
Is torture.
We could have been the best of friends
But this “love”....
It has to end.
But I’ll always be too scared.

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