

My name is Kia. I am 18 years of age. I am a very strong individual. I would describe my life as a rollarcoaster from hell. But im proud of it. I started writing when i was about 13. Ever since i wrote my  first "poem" i fell in love with writing. Its a great escape from everyday life. Writing keeps me on some sort of level of sane. The ironic thing is im not a really big reader. (strange i know) The main reason im here is to get my writing out there. Also, to get tips and opinions. My writing needs massive amounts of improvement. But we all have to start somewhere right?

My name is Kia. I am 18 years of age. I am a very strong individual. I would describe my life as a rollarcoaster from hell. But im proud of it. I started writing when i was about 13. Ever since i wrote my  first "poem" i fell in love with writing. Its a great escape from everyday life. Writing keeps me on some sort of level of sane. The ironic thing is im not a really big reader. (strange i know) The main reason im here is to get my writing out there. Also, to get tips and opinions. My writing needs massive amounts of improvement. But we all have to start somewhere right?
