
Have you ever loved?

Have you ever wanted something,
Something so bad
That everything changes
And you start to go mad.
You can’t help crying,
Or even how you feel.
Especially when you know what you’re feeling
Is something so real.
That you’ve got it so bad,
You can’t stop thinking about them.
That just living your life,
Is a problem.
That loving that person
Is the easy part.
But trying to forget them
Breaks your heart.
That you love everything about them,
And everything they do.
That you love them so much,
They control you.
That you see things,
No one else sees.
When it feels like they’re walking in,
And everyone else leaves.
When you wish you didn’t have to live your life,
Wanting what you can’t have.
When you cry when they’re not near,
And when they are you can’t help but laugh.
When you no longer care about yourself
Just them, hoping they’re okay.
Wishing they felt the way you feel,
In every way.
So next time you turn someone down,
Be careful what you do to that girl.
Because maybe what you’ll say
Will destroy her whole world.


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