
Love in absentia

In the stillness of thy absence, I ponder
How far I have come from the evil that was me.
In the absence of thy stillness, I wonder
How contain, shall I, the turbulence that is thee.
On the edge of what’s certain, I long for the unknown
With the thrill and innocence that children exude.
Though I have come to terms with the sins I have sown,
My soul forbears desire that my heart can’t preclude.
My reveries are thine, my words flow from thee.
The formless ache of longing that pines for thy touch,
My love, I can’t fathom how it shall morph into glee
When I’m warm in thy embrace. Do I ask too much?
Must nightmares follow such wondrous dreams?
“Why tremble, O heart, when she knows it must die?
For your love isn’t enough, you fool, or so it seems.”
Prithee, rip this heart asunder, must thou bid goodbye.
In the stillness of thy absence, I shall ponder why.

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