
My Secret Treasure

My secret treasure
you’ll be mine forever
I’ll hold you close and never let go
you’re presense screans for attention
Don’t worry you have mine
that’s what I am
I say you’re mine to keep because they dont deserve you
But, really I’m selfish
I want you for myself and no one else
You think it’s ok
But it’s not
you need to shine
you need to sparkle
brighter than the sun
greater than the most valuable gem
becuase thats what you are
better than the most precious jewel
worth more to me and surely others than  any gemstone
so that is why I must steal you from this place
so I myself may adore you with none to  compete nor chalange for you
it is ok if you refuse, how can I be angered with one with eyes such as those,
a complex as rare as you have
so if you please we shall stay here or is it me that you want to be rid of?
I dare say I can not leave you
I would surelly die befor letting you escape from my grasp.
Because you are mine forever
My secret treasure.


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