

They say that eyes are the windows to the soul
Then why don’t you know
When you look in my eyes
That my “I’m fine” is a lie
Honestly who is actually fine in this god awful place?
Whose laughter isn’t forced?
Whose smile isn’t faked?
I’m tired of goin day by day
Being alone
Felling like my life’s a mistake
And a journal is filled with words I can’t say
Although I want to scream out,
Get help, and be saved
But I can’t handle the look on your face
If you knew how I ruined the skin on my legs
With razors as sharp as the demons they slay
As they help me and hurt me more each day
I know if I keep going on like I am
That it won’t be long
Before I’m six feet under the ground
And the hardest part is when
You don’t want to live
And you’re too scared to die
Until one day you decide
To fuck your fears
And damn your tears
You write a note
And say goodbye


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