

This is just a sneak preview. It is almost done. But give me some feedback. What y'all think so far?

The words I speak are not ones I make up
Everything that I say are said as a result of the things I either see or experience
If the world made sense there would be no reason for my words
There wouldn’t even be a reason for differences
There is always a reason for what I say
My freedom of speech has been stolen because of today’s society
People have a fear of offending
But my question is why
In the past people could say anything
Now it’s like if you speak you have to be careful and cautious
Today there is so much tension that it’s beyond real
Its more like scary
People arguing and bickering from dawn to dusk
Dittoing from day to day
Friends becoming enemies
Families becoming just another part of history
An imprint on earth that no one seems to value
Music today is about disputes
Love damaging hearts and souls
Guns being tools of respect


Other works by Kit Kat Lee...
