

I read this statement the other day
It said that “We rely on our voices every day to interact with others, and a healthy voice is critical for clear communication”
And I couldn’t help but wonder what they were talking about,
Because in this generation, it seems as if we don’t need our voice for communication
All we need Is our network inventions
All this network connection robs us of our true perception
We were given so much in this life, as far as we can see
We are the only evidence of humanity
There is only one Earth and it was given to us
Perfectly aligned within the solar system
To where we do not melt and we do not freeze

And we are so selfish of our home that we act as if we do not need these trees
But let me tell you that these trees are the only thing keeping us alive
The oxygen that they produce helps us thrive
We use the medicine found within them and we are choosing the cut down 40 football fields every minute
In 100 years our Earth will be tree-less
We are the reason our home is becoming inanimate

So I ask you. How do we give back to the world and get back to humanity? Because all of this social media has made you disconnected from me

All this technology has made it so easy for us to connected
But disconnected from humanity
The technology we use every day was created to help us to connect with one another but the only thing it’s done is made us become more distant and more selfish than ever

Now don’t get me wrong technology is amazing but even the man who invented the technology we use in our smartphones said “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” And that’s exactly what we’ve done. We’ve done exactly what Einstein feared we would.

Maybe it’s just me but I can’t seem to understand how it’s “okay” that we went from “When can we meet up?” to “When can we facetime?”

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