
the peninsula

In this peninsula all that glitters is the medical click. For before it is posted not gold, you see this place you are either bought or sold. Here the suited project dreams of Miami the big boats and yachts parties where the city doesn’t sleep, and where the weather is always hot. They’ll tell you that you will be able to dance with Cinderella, see the castles of sleeping beauty and Snow White ride the magic carpet with Aladdin and the Genie jokes with you all through the night. They’ll tell you that here there’s nothing to fear alone will do is soak up the sun going to the beach in every which way you look busy and fun fun fun the talk of flip flops never never being cold. They say quote" do the best you can to live off of the fat of the land". A poor man poor woman, poor children, poor people, must be yield to the rich simply because they do not speak the language that is only green dye on top of paper. It is critical to know how the state rolls. When you are disabled in aging the fight has just begun especially when you hit the age of death which is 21. It’s hard for me to understand why the suited ones who think that it is fun to ***** away our essentials. And unless your blood runs blue if you are disabled person you are not mentioned. These suits have now become their skin they watch, eat, and bathe in them. Oh, do you do not know who I’m talking about? Do you not know I am talking about? Do you not know who I’m talking about? Don’t be naïve by selection! Please don’t! Please don’t! You know them! I know you do! They sit they run for office, they tell you to vote for them because they have been in your shoes, they tell you quote" I am you, I have sat there once too." They will kiss your babies that will shake your wives Hand tell all the struggling parents to trust them and they’ve got the best plans. Some of the suits they wear are blue, navy, green, gray, black, brown, beige, and sometimes a very very very very very ugly teal. In some cases they want to follow the new wave saying in that the more colorful you are the greater is your appeal. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! To you I bite my thumb and scoff. You glaze over the truth like Dunkin’ Donuts glazes doughnuts you have become the Jedi Masters of elephant-ish and expect us to eat it because it happened to be on a gold plated dish you live off of our hard work off of our blood the sweat and tears from our years would you, you’ll do nothing! Nothing! Nothing! Nothing! But talk, talk, talk, talk, and talk some more. We the people ask you the hard-hitting question and when you the one who supposed to serve the people don’t want to answer the stuttering comes the babbling drones, and you become the deflection Masters. I wish not to quarrel with you but I do wish you would understand all that we the people want for you to extend an honest  hand. Why do you consider us untouchable? Can’t you see we have contributed already to the world? Why are we so out of favor with you? Why does it always have to affect the bluebloods first? Disabilities are everywhere during the best times and the worst. We need occupational therapy and physical too. This community is the first to go down the tubes because you want to continue to be reckless. I do not understand your mindset because they were taught  much better by their mother and father. But I guess the words were written correct you are what you wear in all aspects.

The mother who struggles to put her child in the van. The father who can’t afford the medicine plan. The father then has to force his hand. He is off to Canada to find something cheap because his daughter is having spastic reaction has to fight her way to sleep." Daddy daddy, hurting in pain the cabinet is out of my medicine. Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch, ouch, ouch ouch, ouch ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, daddy please!" I know believe me I know daddy wishes he could take all the pain away". He tells his daughter," I want you to think of something beautiful something, something, calming, something where the pain does not exist. I want you to remember the story the little Cinderella girl and how when she met her Prince she danced and she twirled and that’s through all her adversities and her stepmother angst she still had the dream that her heart made when she was fast asleep." The girl laughs but still the tears flow. “ So papa are you trying to say that my pain should be thought of as my wicked stepmother?” No sweetie he said," but the story made you laugh a little didn’t it?"
      The father goes inside his room and begins to cry in his wife’s arms. He says," Look what is happening to my little girl. All of these tribulations and yet she’s new to the world!" The wife said," every day I asked for help and I got on my knees and I think please help me Lord because I do the good deeds."

“Speak not to me about what the Lord said I know the Bible I know the scripture I am very much well read. And help thy neighbor what of that? It is not me!  it is the others that pay it no mind! The ones that we have voted in, The suit has now become their skin!" “I know Sir, I know. “Said the wife. " You’ll pay for the sun along with everything else hospitality is not what they have although they are southern. It saddens me and it rattles me too, they will complain about the situation but do nothing to make it move. They tell me you don’t F with the South because guns are on everyone’s thumbs! They have mouth like blowfish when the big man is away, but when the big man come to town and say quite, then quiet is how they stay.  They call us United because the pieces that stretch from sea to shining sea are 50 and that makes up one country. Chickens they are not because they will fight the war. But if they do not believe a certain subject is of their concern, they ask," what are you bothering me for?" United only when tragedy happened not United when there is a need to stop tragedy from happening waiting for the black smoke is the specialty of the land of the free and again it saddens me! It angers me it rattles me, and again with it saddens me. I greatly understand that one person could not serve all people but where are the people for us? Where is the love? When will we get our surprise? When will the hierarchy meet us at our eyes? Are we that untouchable? Do we smell that bad? If not why are you forgetting the mind That Helen Keller had? Wasn’t she worth something? Isn’t she worth remembering? Isn’t she worth something? Creator of braille worth  something? Stephen Hawkins what of him! Why are you acting as if you don’t know? Why are you acting as if you don’t know? Why are you acting as if you have selective ears, you hear what we say, still you say you hear nothing. The same as for your sights you pretend you don’t see but you do. But you do. I know full well you do. I know that when it hits home for you, and that strikes someone with blue blood you will move mountains to make sure that he or she got the best without rest. But aren’t we here. But aren’t we your people? Aren’t we human? When we believe? Don’t we scream? Don’t we tear? Do we cheer? Don’t we start? Don’t we end? Don’t we hurt? You us vote or die! Vote or shut up! We are out there voting thinking on about how this country could be but you tell me that I cannot get medicine for my sick child because I do not have insurance. I bite my thumb at you again! I bite my thumb at you again! And again! And again! And again! Then you have the audacity to wonder where is the sudden rise of the modern day Robin Hood is coming from! I pay for orthotics I pay for diapers adult size because my daughter son nephew and niece is not on the Medicaid waiver list! But you do but you! Yes you yes you, yes you can you not hear? I’m talking! Idiots, idiots, idiots,"

Everyone who comes here the message is false the area is beautiful but at what cost? Yeah we have beaches and the cinnamon tans but we have other important things that are Slipping quickly from our hands. Still you hear nothing?" “ Wife you preach this to me for what reason? My suit is not blue gray or green I work the meals in the poor house is in the common theme. I am the Joe with the J. O. P. Status just over poor same as you.

Although this is,” the new millennium," I still see that many Afro descendents are very much terrified of Caucasian people. I find unbelievable. Even though Afro descendants are not the only ones that suffer, when it comes to the scare tactics of the Republican party some Caucasians won’t even mutter. The suited ones down here somehow make loudmouth disappear! But no one finds that sad or even the slightest bit. Unjust!

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