
Our Little Sister

WEEP, little shrinking spirits of the woods,
Hang down your fair, green faces, all ye leaves,
And dews be heavy on the year’s firstborn,–
Yea, weep as rain, all ye that breathe of spring,
To-day I passed her in the city streets!
Surely the kind brown earth must pity her,
Nursing its young so safely at the breast,
All the great winds that no man may defile
Compassionate her, and the bending trees
Happy in fruitfulness and blest with song!
But where her feet are set of all God made
No stone remains; and wearing childhood’s face
Fixed in an awful lethargy and calm,
Defiled, defiling, yet accusing not,
Avenged upon her race, she passes on.
Otras obras de Laura E. McCully...
