

The time draws near
and the calendar says
Thanksgiving is really here.
Time to reflect and time to gather
my thoughts of what to be thankful of.
Giving thanks this, I believe, can be done.
By searching my soul. It seems everything is within my grasp.
 Yes, I give thanks,
for the memories of yesterdays,
the love, the laughter, the joy of each day.  
The trials & tribulations of being a parent,
the rewards & the challenges.
The days of blissful ignorance when I thought my children would always be near.  
The days when life was normal, even though I took it all for granted.
For the treasures of todays,
the sunrise, sunset, the changing of the seasons,
the new found friends along this journey I reluctantly travel,
the tried & true friends who stand by me still.
The strong and everlasting love of my husband  
The warmth of wet kisses from my canine companion & feline friend,
The encouragement & support, compassion & caring I receive as  
I live this life I was given.
I survive and help others survive.  
For the hopes and possibilities of a peaceful tomorrow
with faith, love, & perseverance as I struggle with growing old.
With my loved ones in heaven in my heart forevermore, spiritually guiding me with their
love and support,  

You see, It’s not about keeping up with the Jones’ having an SUV or two in the garage, having the biggest house on the block having so many CD’s, video games, or the newest, most improved, latest and greatest new gadgets, not even being up to date with state of the art technology -
It’s about love - it’s about the gifts of yesterday, blended with the blessings of today to make meaning for tomorrow.
Laura Lea


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