
One mans love, one mans death!

To anyone who ever lost someone they love.

Sat in a greasy spoon watching the Rain pour down, Smoked my fags to the butt, My fingers are brown. I’m Just your average Joe Jeans, scuffed shoes, Reading the newspaper, Whilsting the blues. I Finish off my cuppa & Brave the cold, Passing face after face Each with a story to be told, But this is MY story this is Who I am, Heart of a lion body of a Man. Born a provider, a lover, a dad. Poor in possessions but Rich with the love I had. That was until one day.. My wife she got a call And with each word that left her lips My world started to fall. ‘it’s happened’ she said The cancer has spread Her heart was still beating But her body was dead. Three months had passed We held it together, I watched her as she cried to sleep And Promised that we’d be forever. I would Lay down beside her And reminisce, The first time our eyes met, Our very first kiss. Daylight would roll around again As she sat in her chair, Flicking through old pictures Of when she had her hair. I Popped out to the local boozer one night I couldn’t take much more, She made it to the bathroom, Knees weak she fell to the floor. Two hours she lay there Stone cold that was it, Till I stumbled through the door ‘where are you love? The pub Was sh*t?’ The fear creeped upon me I remember a silence that cut deep, I drew closer to the bathroom And started to weap. I dropped down my Heart was broken, I began Racking my brains for The last words we’d spoken.I’m Just outside what was 'our’ front door About to enter an empty shell, Her coat is still hanging by the entrance, So that I am still greeted by her smell. As I Settle down with a meal for one Watching Top gear best bits, she hated This show, Suddenly her last words hit me 'I don’t want to go’. So lonely I tuck myself up in bed, And lay there staring at the ceiling, Knowing that she isn’t tucked up beside me Is such an empty feeling. Tonight I’m hurting more than ever, I am going to take my own life, I’ve swallowed all of my medication Tonight I’m reunited with my wife. There is no turning back now as mind My drifts to and fro, And my wife’s last words resound in my head 'I don’t want to go, I don’t want to go’. A tears falls down my wrinkled cheek As I take my last breath. I closed my eyes and my wife is waiting This is the story of our death.


A face in the crowd only stands out when he loses the love of his life. This is his story.


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